The best natural cough remedies

natural cough remedies

Whether you have a dry cough or a chesty cough, try some of the following natural cough remedies before reaching for over-the-counter medicines.


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1. Thyme tea

Thyme is a natural cough suppressant. It’s a great all rounder and works effectively on any type of cough. This traditional herbal remedy has been used for centuries and is a key ingredient in natural cough remedies.


Add 4 sprigs of thyme leaves to a mug of boiling water.  Cover and allow to steep for 10 minutes. Remove the leaves and drink as often as required.

Thyme tea natural cough remedy

2.  Hot ginger, honey and lemon

This is a classic and for good reason. It’s particularly effective for dry coughs. The ginger and honey work together to soothe and coat your throat, which lessens the urge to cough. Plus it has anti-viral and anti-bacterial properties and the lemon juice will give you a useful boost of vitamin C.


Finely grate a one-inch piece of ginger and add to boiling water. Add the juice of half a lemon and a teaspoon of honey. Stir and drink three times a day.

honey-ginger-and-lemon cough remedy

3.  Apple Cider Vinegar

This is a great one for mucus coughs. The vinegar thins the mucus, which eases congestion and helps to clear your airways.


Add 1 – 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar to a mug of boiling water. As you wait for the water to cool, breathe in the steam from the mug for some immediate relief. For maximum health benefits, choose a vinegar that’s described as raw and ‘with the mother’.

Apple cider vinegar cough remedy

4.  Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate

If you do nothing else whilst you have a cough, drink water. Allowing your mouth and throat to dry out will only aggravate your cough.


Drink it plain or spruce it up with a squeeze of some lemon or lime. Get yourself a fancy water bottle. Keep it beside you and sip regularly throughout the day.

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