The condition of your skin, hair and nails is a window to what’s happening inside your body. Many of the foods that are good for our skin have the added benefit of being good for our hair.
You don’t need to buy expensive shampoo or load your hair with products to get glossy hair. You can eat your way to healthy hair.
Here’s my list of the top skin-loving foods that are also great for healthy hair.
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1. Eggs
Hair is made from the protein keratin. It’s therefore essential that your diet has enough protein in it. Try boiled eggs in salads, scrambled eggs for breakfast and omelettes and frittatas for lunch or dinner. Here’s a couple of suggestions.
2. Green leafy vegetables
Too little iron in your diet can lead to hair loss. Green leafy vegetables such as spinach and kale are a great plant-based source of iron. They’re also extremely easy to add into your diet. You can put a handful in pretty much every meal you make such as smoothies, sandwiches, stir-frys and pasta dishes.
3. Broccoli
Another good source of iron. Broccoli is also really high in vitamin C. When I was pregnant with my daughter, I had problems with my iron levels despite eating a lot of iron-rich foods. My Doctor recommended increasing my intake of vitamin C, which helps the absorption of iron.
4. Kiwi fruits
Kiwi fruits contain more vitamin C than oranges. They also contain vitamin E, which is great for your hair, skin and nails. Try this kiwi and cucumber smoothie recipe.
5. Salmon
Salmon is an oily fish therefore rich in the essential fatty acid omega-3. Our body needs essential fatty acids to function plus they’re hugely beneficial to skin, hair growth and a healthy scalp. We can’t store omega-3 meaning it has to come from our diet. Aim to eat oily fish 3 times per week. Try one of these salmon recipes.
6. Chia seeds
Chia seeds contain omega-3, however, it’s in a form that’s harder for the body to access. Oily fish is the best source of omega-3 but, if you don’t eat fish, chia seeds make a reasonable alternative. Chia seeds also contain protein. Worth adding to your diet for that reason alone.
7. Avocado
Another great source of essential fatty acids. You can even use avocado to make your own hair mask. Simply mash up the avocado, mix with a little olive oil and massage into your hair and scalp. Leave it for 20 minutes then shampoo.
8. Pumpkin seeds
I love pumpkin seeds. I sprinkle them on salads, scrambled eggs, smoothies, and in my honey roasted trail mix recipe. Pumpkin seeds are a rich source of iron, protein, omega-3 and zinc. All essential nutrients for healthy hair.
9. Brazil nuts
Brazil nuts are rich in vitamin E, which keeps hair strong. They’re also one of the best sources of the mineral selenium, which is credited with keeping your scalp healthy and flake-free.
10. Almonds
Another nut. Almonds contain the B vitamin biotin, which is thought to strengthen hair follicles and reduce hair loss. Try some of my honey roasted nuts for a hair-boosting snack.

There you have it – a complete list of foods to eat for healthy hair. There’s nothing too scary on the list and you can buy it all from your usual supermarket.